Forward Looking Approaches for Green Mobility Ecosystem Network Collaboration


Project FLAMENCO is a ERASMUS+ Co-funded project with the main goal to analyse and pilot forward-looking approaches and methods to enable and make sustainable collaboration on the skills intelligence in the Automotive-Mobility Ecosystem.

Collaboration is the key-word of all the existing initiatives and will help raising a unique strong voice of European level professionals in driving implementation and improvement of key skills.

The purpose of Flamenco project is to make the collaboration of the existing partnership pragmatic and sustainable (outreach to other Pact for Skills partnerships as a good practice) so that it brings valuable information about the new technological and societal trends, related skills needs training offer/needs and other goals in terms of the skills intelligence leading up to the re-/up-skilling within the European mobility ecosystem.

The project main activities will be to analyse the sector in cooperation with stakeholders in terms of the needs, tools, requirements and goals of the sectoral collaboration on skills intelligence via different methods, such as desk research, survey or workshop all validated by the sectoral stakeholders. Finding will be implemented in the methodology, methods and models for the collaboration and unified methodology and approach will be provided and further tested and piloted on individual focus groups. Project will develop recommendations and good practices in form of case studies and will provide them alongside with tested, frequently updated and validated methods which are to be rolled-out in different Pact for Skills partnerships and sustained after the project ends.



The project FLAMENCO (Forward Looking Approaches for Green Mobility Ecosystem Network Collaboration) goal is:

  • To analyse and pilot forward looking approaches and methods to enable and make sustainable the collaboration on the skills intelligence in the Automotive-Mobility Ecosystem.
  • To provide direct support of the Pact for Skills large-scale partnership implementation in the Automotive-Mobility Ecosystem.