FLAMENCO Project – preparing a European Collaboration model

supporting up/re-skilling practices in the era of green and digital transition

FLAMENCO (Forward Looking Approaches for Green Mobility Ecosystem Network Collaboration) Project Partners have taken new steps towards identifying best collaboration practices and drafting a collaboration framework that could support collaboration among different stakeholders at a European level in their endeavor to address up-/re-skilling needs in the era of the green and digital transition.

Through a Survey launched at the beginning of the Project, a list of collaboration needs has been identified. In order to find the best solutions to address the identified needs, Partners worked together to first create a collaboration best practices database aiming to focus their work in the following stages of the project. Secondly, they focused on analyzing those practices and came up with a strong and widely accepted collaboration model.

This European collaboration model is meant, on the one hand, to ensure that European professionals will have similar access to up-/reskilling initiatives and, on the other hand, to support all public and private stakeholders to take concrete actions in addressing the European up-/reskilling needs and exchange knowledge and best practices in a transparent manner.

The Project has managed to identify 30 best practices from the survey study, an additional 16 best practices from the workshops, 16 use case studies and an additional 21 best practices based on the desk research. This first list of results will be updated with more models as the project progresses.

The collaboration model that the Project aims to build and implement in order to support European businesses and organizations during the green and digital transition should not only be the general European framework of collaboration but Partners would also need to make sure that the final product answers most of the collaboration needs identified through the Survey and during the national workshops organized in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Romania. Some of those needs underline the importance of:

  • supporting collaboration in networking, engaging in discussions, and matchmaking,
  • joining efforts in understanding skills requirements, shaping job profiles, and conducting relevant research in teams,
  • sharing resources, transferring knowledge, and setting up collaborative training initiatives to address the evolving skill demands of the automotive-mobility ecosystem,
  • forming working groups on specialized topics,
  • empowering digital workplace technology, virtual collaboration etc.

In order to have a 360* view of existing collaboration models, FLAMENCO Partners have also identified their own organization collaboration model and discussed their implications – strengths and aspects to be improved. This initiative ensures experience sharing and state-of-the-art examples from in-house implemented models, which will further support the first drafts of the “to be” communication framework.

The following stages of the Project will focus on analyzing in depth the freshly created collaboration models, a database focusing on understanding them and identifying the elements that are valuable and should be included in the final product so that all countries can benefit from them.

The collaboration model that Flamenco Partners are currently building, will become a common widely accepted structure that each interested European stakeholder could refer to and, once finalized, it should be then replicated across other Pact for Skills partnerships (PfS). In conclusion, the framework built within the Flamenco Project will represent the supportive basis that will ensure that the digital and green transition will be smoothly integrated in the European area without negatively impacting the workforce as professionals in the automotive ecosystem will benefit from the best practices shared through the collaboration implemented among all educational bodies, organizations, and public structures in the EU countries.

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